Cover-Bild "Alle Angst vor der Zukunft überwunden ..."
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Kohlhammer
  • Themenbereich: Gesellschaft und Sozialwissenschaften - Soziale Dienste und Sozialwesen, Kriminologie
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 162
  • Ersterscheinung: 11.03.2020
  • ISBN: 9783170386716
Bernd Vogel

"Alle Angst vor der Zukunft überwunden ..."

Mit Dietrich Bonhoeffer im Gespräch
Student, vicar, director of the theological training college for the Confessing Church, member of the resistance, prisoner, and throughout all of this still a theologian & anyone familiar with Bonhoeffer=s life and personality is likely to read many of his writings in a different way. Bernd Vogel offers an interpretation here of a text that has become known as an alternative confession of faith & ?Some Statements of Faith on God=s Action in History=. All fear of the future could be overcome through such faith & that was Bonhoeffer=s conviction. In a note written in July 1944, Bonhoeffer observed that ?In conversation, something new can always happen=, and in this volume Vogel is also ?in conversation= with Bonhoeffer=s unfinished theological testament and with readers. Seventy-five years after Bonhoeffer was murdered in Flossenbürg concentration camp, Vogel makes this great theologian newly accessible to everyone interested. Bonhoeffer & the last reformer?

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