Cover-Bild On Camp Ceramics and Other Diversions
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: ARNOLDSCHE
  • Themenbereich: Kunst
  • Genre: Sachbücher / Film, Kunst & Kultur
  • Seitenzahl: 232
  • Ersterscheinung: 20.03.2017
  • ISBN: 9783897904828
Berthold Reiß, Gert Staal, Ernst van der Wal

On Camp Ceramics and Other Diversions

Daniel Kruger. Ceramics - 1984-2005 - Keramik
Daniel Kruger (b. 1951), widely known as a jewellery artist, presents an overview of his ceramic works with 230 pieces created over twenty years. Classic examples – tulip and lidded vases, Delft blue-and-white and baroque tableware – are familiar benchmarks, which Kruger combines with images of psyched-up footballers, homoerotic nudes or casts of small sections of chicken bone. (Pictorial) worlds collide, revealing our perceptions based on convention, frequently also on manipulation; there is less interest in spectacular confrontation, though, for Kruger’s fascination for systems of images leads to unexpected combinations of form and decoration. In a continual process of artistic acquisition, new interpretation and appropriation, Kruger explores the interstice between historical archetypes and kitsch within European ceramic history.

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