Cover-Bild In Referenz zu: In reference to: In riferimento a: Die rote Wüste Red Desert Il deserto rosso von by di Michelangelo Antonioni
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Fotohofedition
  • Themenbereich: Kunst - Fotografie
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 167
  • Ersterscheinung: 01.09.2017
  • ISBN: 9783902993465
Christina Natlacen

In Referenz zu: In reference to: In riferimento a: Die rote Wüste Red Desert Il deserto rosso von by di Michelangelo Antonioni

die Straßen, the streets, le strade, die Fabriken, the factories, le fabbriche, die Farben, the colors, i colori, der Himmel, the sky, il cielo, die Menschen, the people, le persone
Joachim Brohm (Herausgeber), Anna Voswinckel (Herausgeber)

With works by: Fabrizio Albertini, Mariano Andreani, Daniele Ansidei, Jakob Argauer, Daniel Augschöll/Anya Jasbar, Enrico Benvenuti, Joachim Brohm, Christoph Brückner, Luca Capuano, Danny Degner/Vera König, Eva Dittrich/Katarína Dubovská, Alessandra Dragoni, Johannes Ernst, Marcello Galvani, João Grama, William Guerrieri, Guido Guidi, Gerry Johansson, Sophia Kesting, Philipp Kurzhals, Dana Lorenz, Allegra Martin, Mako Mizobuchi, Francesco Neri, Andrea Pertoldeo, Sabrina Ragucci/Giorgio Falco, Alexander Rosenkranz, Valentina Seidel, Anna Voswinckel, Jakob Wierzba, Xiaoxiao Xu.

The film Il deserto rosso (The Red Desert) by Michelangelo Antonioni, produced in the industrial region around Ravenna in 1964, is one of the key works in film history. Thanks to the innovative color design, the work holds a lot of connecting points for filmmakers, artists and photographers. This is also reflected in the book with over 30 participants, who are reacting to Il deserto rosso with the means of the photographic series in their current work. There is reference to scenic and urban moments in relation to the local situation around Ravenna. Approaches to color analysis, which reflect the narrative structure in photography and film, and those that enlighten atmospheric attitudes - citing the period’s atmosphere - from a contemporary perspective are likewise visualized.

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