Cover-Bild The Little Buddha
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Verlag Herder
  • Genre: Weitere Themen / Geschenkbücher
  • Ersterscheinung: 27.11.2014
  • ISBN: 9783451802003
Claus Mikosch

The Little Buddha

Finding Happiness
The Little Buddha

* A story about the wisdom of life
* A book both empowering and thought-provoking
* For the readers of Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince
* A story about dreams, fulfilment and happiness

There was once a little Buddha. Every day he sat under his Bodhi tree meditating. This is what he liked to do, and he loved to sit under the old tree. Yet his life was lacking something that neither the clouds in the sky nor the trees on the ground could provide him with. So he went on a journey on which he met people who each have found an answer to what is really important in life. And the Buddha knew: It is always the small things that make up the secret of happiness.

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