inkl. MwSt
- Verlag: VML Vlg Marie Leidorf
- Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
- Seitenzahl: 184
- Ersterscheinung: 06.2008
- ISBN: 9783896465931
Das Prähistorische Olynth
Ausgrabungen in der Toumba Agios Mamas 1994-1996. Ernährung und Rohstoffnutzung im Wandel
Dies ist der zweite von sechs Bänden, dem weitere zu Grabung / Baubefund, Gräbern, byzantinischer Zeit sowie Faszikel zu Kleinfunden und Keramik [Schichten 18-14, mykenische Zeit] folgen werden. Er präsentiert archäobotanische und archäozoologische Befunde. Gerste, Einkorn und Emmer sind die Hauptgetreide, hinzu kommen 4 Ölpflanzen / Faserpflanzen, 6 Hülsenfrüchte, Wein, Feige und Eichel. Fast 18.000 Tierreste ergaben, daß Rind, Schaf, Ziege und Schwein in wechselnden Anteilen geschlachtet wurden. Wild lieferte ca. 10 % der Fleischnahrung. Konservierung erfolgte durch Räuchern. Seit der Spätbronzezeit wurde das Pferd wichtig. Abschließend werden die Ergebnisse in den Kontext von Naturraum, Pflanzenanbau, Haustierzucht, Jagd, Sammeltätigkeit, Fischfang, Alltagsverrichtungen, Vorratswirtschaft, Schlachten, Kochen, Essen und Trinken, Abfallentsorgung, Verarbeitung von Knochen, Geweih und Meeresmollusken, Nutzung von Häuten, Fellen, Sehnen und Horn, Spinnen, Weben und Flechten, Färben, Herstellung von Kleidung, Accessoires und Keramik, Hausbau, rituellen Handlungen, Umgang mit Verstorbenen sowie Wirtschaftsweise gestellt.
This is the second of six volumes to be followed by volumes on excavation/architecture, graves, the Byzantine period and fascicles on small finds and pottery [layers 18-14, Mycenaean period]. It presents the archaeobotanical and archaeozoological remains. Barley, einkorn, and emmer were the main cereals and were complemented by 4 oil and fibre plants, 6 leguminous plants, grape, fig, and acorn. Almost 18,000 animal remains revealed that cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs were slaughtered in variable percentages. Game provided some 10% of the consumed meat. Preservation was achieved by smoking. From the Late Bronze Age onwards, horses became important. Finally the results are placed in their context of natural environment, agriculture, husbandry, hunting, gathering, fishing, everyday tasks, stockpiling, slaughtering, cooking, eating, and drinking, deposition of waste, working of bone, antler, and marine molluscs, use of skins, furs, sinews, and horn, spinning, weaving, and plaiting, dyeing, production of clothes, accessories, and pottery, house construction, ritual acts, dealing with the deceased as well as economic strategies.
This is the second of six volumes to be followed by volumes on excavation/architecture, graves, the Byzantine period and fascicles on small finds and pottery [layers 18-14, Mycenaean period]. It presents the archaeobotanical and archaeozoological remains. Barley, einkorn, and emmer were the main cereals and were complemented by 4 oil and fibre plants, 6 leguminous plants, grape, fig, and acorn. Almost 18,000 animal remains revealed that cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs were slaughtered in variable percentages. Game provided some 10% of the consumed meat. Preservation was achieved by smoking. From the Late Bronze Age onwards, horses became important. Finally the results are placed in their context of natural environment, agriculture, husbandry, hunting, gathering, fishing, everyday tasks, stockpiling, slaughtering, cooking, eating, and drinking, deposition of waste, working of bone, antler, and marine molluscs, use of skins, furs, sinews, and horn, spinning, weaving, and plaiting, dyeing, production of clothes, accessories, and pottery, house construction, ritual acts, dealing with the deceased as well as economic strategies.
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