Cover-Bild Ausgewählte Fotografien
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Schirmer Mosel
  • Themenbereich: Kunst - Fotografie
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 72
  • Ersterscheinung: 06.2016
  • ISBN: 9783829607841
Cy Twombly

Ausgewählte Fotografien

Katalog Baden-Baden
This elegant small volume presents 35 of Cy Twombly’s most impressive photographs taken between 1944 and 2006. Featuring the artist’s favorite sites, themes, and motifs – his early New York Fulton Street studio; his beloved peonies; interiors; landscapes; details of his own sculptures and paintings – it offers a representative insight into his poetic and sensuous photographic work fascinating by its particular aesthetics and the “silent presence” it exudes.

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