Cover-Bild David Bielander
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: ARNOLDSCHE
  • Themenbereich: Kunst
  • Genre: Sachbücher / Film, Kunst & Kultur
  • Seitenzahl: 152
  • Ersterscheinung: 07.02.2017
  • ISBN: 9783897904873
Florian Hufnagl, Marjan Unger, Jorunn Veiteberg, Gijs Bakker, Maria Cristina Bergesio, Rutger Emmelkamp, Karl Fritsch, Bernhard Schobinger, Toni Greenbaum, Helen Britton, Julia Wild, Raphael Bielander

David Bielander

Twenty Years. 2016-1996
The Swiss artist David Bielander (b. 1968) is one of the most significant proponents of contemporary art jewellery in the world. With him, nothing is what it seems: corrugated cardboard is actually silver or gold, Wiener sausages are a chair in a coffee house, shapely lips are made of rubber. This ambiguity distinguishes his work as much as his exceptional knowledge of materials and artisanal skill. With twenty years of work, the publication offers the first, comprehensive review of the multi-award-winning artist, who with his conceptual reflection and power of imagination creates works full of wit and sensuality.

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