Cover-Bild Kommunale Pflegepolitik
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Kohlhammer
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Ersterscheinung: 24.03.2021
  • ISBN: 9783170330856
Frank Schulz-Nieswandt, Ursula Köstler, Kristina Mann

Kommunale Pflegepolitik

Eine Vision
Communal care policy is the vision of creating a sociogeographically oriented inclusive care scene, under local-government control, in both urban and rural settings. The idea hinges on the ability to achieve normalized housing conditions that do not create special, institutionalized environments. The basic values underlying this are those of personal human rights & i.e., human dignity as defined in international, European and constitutional law. Against this background, changes taking place in the care scene need to be radically rethought in the context of a new, wider social policy.

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