inkl. MwSt
- Verlag: frommann-holzboog
- Themenbereich: Biografien, Literatur, Literaturwissenschaft
- Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
- Seitenzahl: 418
- Ersterscheinung: 24.09.2015
- ISBN: 9783772826641
Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Briefwechsel - Nachlaß - Dokumente / Briefwechsel. Reihe I: Text. Band 10: Briefwechsel Juni 1792 bis September 1794
Nr. 2953-3328. Nachtrag zum Briefwechsel 1769–1789. Gefördert von der Gerda Henkel Stiftung
Walter Jaeschke (Herausgeber)
Between July 1792 and September 1794, Jacobi’s correspondence was characterized by two very different subjects in particular. The first months were widely defined by the continuation of the letters which his son Georg Arnold wrote from Sicily during his trip with Count Stolberg. These were followed by detailed reports on the advance of the troops of the French Revolution into Southern Germany and above all into the Aachen and Düsseldorf regions. These reports, constituting a threat to Jacobi and his family, caused him to flee from Pempelfort to Northern Germany at the end of September 1794.
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