Cover-Bild Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Briefwechsel - Nachlaß - Dokumente / Briefwechsel. Reihe I: Text. Band 5
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: frommann-holzboog
  • Themenbereich: Biografien, Literatur, Literaturwissenschaft - Biografien und Sachliteratur
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 463
  • Ersterscheinung: 01.09.2005
  • ISBN: 9783772822698
Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi

Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Briefwechsel - Nachlaß - Dokumente / Briefwechsel. Reihe I: Text. Band 5

Briefwechsel 1786. Nr. 1307-1608. Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Walter Jaeschke (Herausgeber), Rebecca Paimann (Herausgeber)

The comprehensive correspondence in 1786, a year which was very eventful for Jacobi, reflects, apart from private worries, the philosophical disputes. They began with the dispute between Jacobi and the philosophers of the Enlightenment in Berlin and concerned his »Spinoza Letters« and Mendelssohn’s ›An die Freunde Lessings‹, (To the Friends of Lessing), in which he intervened with his advocacy entitled ›Wider Mendelssohn’s Beschuldigungen‹ (Against Mendelssohn’s Accusations). This was followed by the dispute about the allegation of »Jesuitism« and »crypto Catholicism«, made by the Enlightenment philosophers in Berlin, among others, against Jacobi. The correspondence also shows the close contact with Hamann concerning his ›Fliegenden Brief‹ (Flying Letter) as well as the circumstances of Jacobi’s stay in England and the groundwork for his ›David Hume über den Glauben‹ (David Hume on Faith).

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