inkl. MwSt
- Verlag: frommann-holzboog
- Themenbereich: Biografien, Literatur, Literaturwissenschaft - Biografien und Sachliteratur
- Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
- Seitenzahl: 478
- Ersterscheinung: 27.11.2014
- ISBN: 9783772825194
Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Briefwechsel - Nachlaß - Dokumente / Briefwechsel. Reihe I: Text. Band 8: Briefwechsel Juli 1788 bis Dezember 1790
Nr. 2152-2738
Manuela Köppe (Herausgeber), Walter Jaeschke (Herausgeber)
Hamann›s death in June of 1788 led to a change in the length and content of Jacobi‹s correspondence. At the end of 1788, his dispute with the Berlin philosophers of the Enlightenment concerning alleged crypto-Catholic activities also abated. He did however have a new subject, the arrangement of the extensions and the addenda for the new edition of the ›Über die Lehre des Spinoza‹ (On Spinoza’s Theories), for which Jacobi also consulted new friends, among them Count of Windisch-Graetz as well as W. von Humboldt, but also his longtime companions J. F. Kleuker and J. G. Forster, who, like Jacobi, was interested in the French Revolution. New friendships were also in the making with Count F. L. zu Stolberg and K. L. Reinhold.
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