- Verlag: frommann-holzboog
- Themenbereich: Biografien, Literatur, Literaturwissenschaft - Literatur: Geschichte und Kritik
- Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
- Ersterscheinung: 1998
- ISBN: 9783772834387
Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Briefwechsel - Nachlaß - Dokumente / Briefwechsel. Reihe II: Kommentar. Band 2
Briefwechsel 1775–1781. Nr. 381-750. Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Walter Jaeschke (Herausgeber)
Der Band beleuchtet Jacobis Bemühungen um die Wirtschafts- und Finanzreform insbesondere der bayerischen Landesteile, aber auch sein Scheitern an den reaktionären Kräften am pfalz-bayerischen Hof sowie die Verwickelung der Wiener Staatskanzlei in den Sturz des Münsteraner Reformators Franz von Fürstenberg, aber auch des liberalen Ministeriums Christoph von Hohenfelds und Georg von La Roches in Kurtrier. Hervorgehoben seien ferner die musik- und kunstgeschichtlich aufschlussreichen Berichte Willhelm Heinses von seiner Italienreise sowie die Kommentierung der Korrespondenzen mit Lessing und Lavater, ferner die Aufzeichnungen des zweiten Sohnes Georg Arnold über das Elternhaus sowie über seine Erziehung durch Matthias Claudius in Wandsbek und Amalia von Gallitzin in Münster.
This volume analyzes Jacobi’s efforts on behalf of the economic and financial reform, in particular of the regions in Bavaria, but also his failure due to the reactionary forces at the court of Palatinate-Bavaria. It also deals with the Vienna state chancellery‘s involvement in overthrowing the Münster reformer Franz von Fürstenberg as well as the liberal ministry of Christoph von Hohenfeld and Georg von La Roches in Kurtrier. It focuses on the reports written by Wilhelm Heinse during his trip to Italy, which are informative from the perspective of the history of music and art, as well as the commentary on the correspondence with Lessing and Lavater. Further focal points are the notes written by the second son,Georg Arnold, on his parental home and his education which he received from Matthias Claudius in Wandsbek and Amalia von Gallitzin in Münster.
This volume analyzes Jacobi’s efforts on behalf of the economic and financial reform, in particular of the regions in Bavaria, but also his failure due to the reactionary forces at the court of Palatinate-Bavaria. It also deals with the Vienna state chancellery‘s involvement in overthrowing the Münster reformer Franz von Fürstenberg as well as the liberal ministry of Christoph von Hohenfeld and Georg von La Roches in Kurtrier. It focuses on the reports written by Wilhelm Heinse during his trip to Italy, which are informative from the perspective of the history of music and art, as well as the commentary on the correspondence with Lessing and Lavater. Further focal points are the notes written by the second son,Georg Arnold, on his parental home and his education which he received from Matthias Claudius in Wandsbek and Amalia von Gallitzin in Münster.
Weitere Formate
- Hardcover 298,00 €
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