- Verlag: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag
- Themenbereich: Gesellschaft und Sozialwissenschaften - Psychologie
- Genre: Sachbücher / Esoterik
- Ersterscheinung: 08.10.2008
- ISBN: 9783497609659
Using Depth Psychology to Find a Balance in Your Life.
Greta Dunn (Übersetzer)
Fritz Riemann succeeds in convincingly presenting his thesis that anxiety is human. He gently, carefully leads the reader to recognize his/her own anxieties and one-sidedness. The confrontation with personal problems which can be raised onto the level of consciousness helps the reader to understand himself and his fellow human beings better.
This book is a source of encouragement and instruction in the art of perceiving and accepting one’s own anxieties, and if possible modifying them in a productive way.
This book is a source of encouragement and instruction in the art of perceiving and accepting one’s own anxieties, and if possible modifying them in a productive way.
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