Cover-Bild Vorlesungen über Rechtsphilosophie 1818-1831 / Band 4
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: frommann-holzboog
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 925
  • Ersterscheinung: 1974
  • ISBN: 9783772803574
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Vorlesungen über Rechtsphilosophie 1818-1831 / Band 4

›Philosophie des Rechts‹ nach der Vorlesungsnachschrift K. G. v. Griesheims 1824/25. - ›Der objektive Geist‹ aus der Berliner Enzyklopädie, zweite und dritte Auflage (1827 und 1830). – ›Philosophie des Rechts‹ nach der Vorlesungsschrift von D. F. Strauss
Karl-Heinz Ilting (Herausgeber)

This is the first publication of transcripts along with Hegel‹s own lecture notes. The edition contains all the texts on Hegel's philosophy of right, many of which were previously unpublished. Hegel's political philosophy, which continues to be a subject dealt with in philosophical, legal and historical literature, has been made accessible in its entirety for the first time. K.-H. Ilting shows that between November of 1819 and June of 1820, under pressure from political persecution of progressive forces at German universities, Hegel was forced to revise the print-ready manuscript of his book ›Rechtsphilosophie‹ (Philosophy of Right). Thus this work, which originated under these circumstances, continues to be a subject of conflicting interpretations today. A fair assessment of Hegel‹s political philosophy is now being made possible due to this edition. It turns out that Hegel had been appearing as an advocate of liberal and progressive ideas not only before 1820 but after 1822 as well.

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