- Verlag: Kohlhammer
- Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
- Ersterscheinung: 09.10.2019
- ISBN: 9783170341883
Schlaf und Schlafstörungen im höheren Lebensalter
Grundlagen und Therapiemöglichkeiten
Sleep disorders are a side effect of many illnesses and therefore occur frequently an advanced age. This book initially explains sleep-regulating mechanisms as well as important concepts in sleep medicine in detail, and the six main groups of sleep disturbances as defined in the ICSD-3 are introduced. Tools used to clarify sleep disturbances are explained, and the reader learns how to describe sleep and sleep disturbances accurately. The book provides detailed descriptions of changes that occur in sleep in the elderly, the distinction between pathological and normal, basic principles of treatment, as well as sleep disorders in dementia patients, residents of care homes, and in patients with pain.
Weitere Formate
- ebook / MobiPocket 17,99 €
- ebook / PDF 17,99 €
- Paperback 20,00 €
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