inkl. MwSt
- Verlag: frommann-holzboog
- Themenbereich: Biografien, Literatur, Literaturwissenschaft
- Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
- Seitenzahl: 1901
- Ersterscheinung: 23.12.2015
- ISBN: 9783772812163
Volksaufklärung. Biobibliographisches Handbuch zur Popularisierung... / Band 3,1-4: Aufklärung im 19. Jahrhundert – »Überwindung« oder Diffusion?
Mit einer kritischen Sichtung des Genres ›Dorfgeschichte‹ aus dem Blickwinkel der Volksaufklärung von Holger Böning
The closing volume of the bibliography enters unknown territory und records »one of the most urgent desiderata of the new multidisciplinary enlightenment research«: passing and aftermath of the enlightenment movement in German-speaking Europe up to 1850 and beyond. It presents several thousand proofs that enlightenment in the 19th century was by no means »overcome« or even dead. After the disastrous breach caused by the French Revolution, there was still half a century in which popular enlightenment was widely spread, albeit now lacking state support while facing often massive repression. The suppression of the revolution of 1848/1849 happened at a time, when popular enlightenment was no longer mere reading material but was already on its way into the minds.
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