Cover-Bild The Shieldmaid - Part Two
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: epubli
  • Themenbereich: Geschichte und Archäologie - Geschichte
  • Genre: Sachbücher / Geschichte
  • Seitenzahl: 204
  • Ersterscheinung: 10.07.2022
  • ISBN: 9783756512744
Jens Schumacher

The Shieldmaid - Part Two

The Shieldmaid Part 2 is a prequel to Part 1. Out of necessity, a farm boy is sold to a merchant who pretends to train him. In reality, he abuses him as a slave. His journey takes him to a distant world, but fate seems to mean well with him. He finds a sponsor in Harald Schönhaar, the captain of the Varangian Guard of the Emperor of Constantinople. Soon he also serves in the guard. Will he find his fortune in the new world, or will he see his family again someday?

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