Cover-Bild Gutes predigen nach dem Vorbild Jesu
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 192
  • Ersterscheinung: 20.07.2011
  • ISBN: 9783525570135
Karin Ulrich-Eschemann

Gutes predigen nach dem Vorbild Jesu

Gottesdienste zu Lebensthemen
People go to church to hear about what is good and what is evil and how they can live the good life. The task of the sermon is thus to invite and woo the audience so that everyone understands: We are not talking about creating chains, but living in and passing on the freedom and love that God has given us in Jesus Christ.Jesus had a particular way of preaching: He told stories, queried his listeners, brought them into his thoughts. Jesus was always in the middle of life, he knew the worries of the people in his midst and understood their many questions. The answer that he offered was the love of the Father. It was his conviction that they could be convinced of this love. Karin Ulrich-Eschemann is convinced herself that the way Jesus preached his ethics is the right way, and she has followed him on this path with these meditations and suggestions for church services.

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