Cover-Bild Pipilotti Rist: Dein Speichel ist mein Taucheranzug im Ozean des Schmerzes
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Snoeck
  • Themenbereich: Kunst
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 168
  • Ersterscheinung: 25.02.2016
  • ISBN: 9783864421624
Kurt Aeschbacher, Sibylle Berg, Bice Curiger, Arno Camenisch, Giulia Enders, Wulf Herzogenrath, Elfriede Jelinek, Yoko Ono, Martin Suter

Pipilotti Rist: Dein Speichel ist mein Taucheranzug im Ozean des Schmerzes

Kat. Kunsthaus Zürich

Pipilotti Rist (*1962) is a seminal figure in the world of video art and has achieved international acclaim with her sensually unabashed video installations. Entertaining, ironic and self-assured, the artist tackles conven­tions and taboos. Kunsthaus Zurich presents a compre­- hensive exhibition including both key works from the ­beginnings of Rist's international career as well as new works created especially for this exhibition. The publication accompanying the exhibition is more than a classic exhibition catalog. The book is structured as a glossary and illuminates in an extraordinary way on the basis of short, alphabetically ordered contributions, the most ­important themes in Pipilotti Rist’s work with contribu­tions by renowned authors such as Arno Camenisch, Martin Suter or Sibylle Berg. At the same time, artist friends and art historians, among them Änne Söll and Jacqueline Burckhardt, as well as representatives of other guilds and trades, and, last but not least, also ­children have their say. Furthermore, documents and photographs from the personal archive of the artist will be published for the first time – and Pipilotti Rist chips in with poems! As a special feature, there are twelve large plates that can be removed from the book.Exhbition:Kunsthaus Zürich, 26/2–8/5/2016

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