Cover-Bild The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Band der Reihe "Black Cat Green Apple"
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inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Klett Sprachen GmbH
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 80
  • Ersterscheinung: 04.07.2016
  • ISBN: 9783125000056
Lyman Frank Baum

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Englische Lektüre für das 1. und 2. Lernjahr. Buch + free Audiobook

Die Abenteuer von Dorothy, ihrem Hund Toto und anderen unvergesslichen Figuren begeistern weiterhin Leser jeden Alters. Über die gelbe Backsteinstraße führt Dorothy den Leser zur Smaragdstadt, begegnet der bösen Hexe Bastinda, geflügelten Affen und anderen wundersamen Geschöpfen.


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Meinungen aus der Lesejury

Veröffentlicht am 24.06.2020

Wizard of Oz


I got an edition which contains the books 1, 6 and #14. I've only read the first one, the original Wizard of Oz story and it was ... okay. I expected a little better for such a well loved and known story. ...

I got an edition which contains the books


6 and #14. I've only read the first one, the original Wizard of Oz story and it was ... okay. I expected a little better for such a well loved and known story. (fun fact, this was the first time reading it and I've never seen the movie!). The World of Oz itself sounds amazing, I love the characters / protagonists as well but something was missing. Definitely will not be continuing the story.

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