- Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
- Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
- Ersterscheinung: 06.12.2005
- ISBN: 9783647604237
A Theological Journey into Narnia
An analysis of the message beneath the text of »The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe« by C.S. Lewis
Markus Mühling takes the reader on an adventure through Narnia. He opens the door onto this fantasy world, in a manner that is accessible for and applicable to all readers, uncovering some key aspects of Christian theology and Western philosophy that lie beneath the surface of C.S. Lewis’ well-known story. Mühling offers an explanation of the underlying message in »The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe«, providing answers to some fundamental questions that readers or film audiences may have. Travelling further into Narnia, Mühling compares different interpretations of Jesus’ death on the cross. He links this with the implications that the Christian message has on everyday life. By presenting various models explaining Christian theology and western philosophical thought, this book guides the reader through the jungle that is different interpretations of life and death, sin and redemption, good and evil thus allowing the reader to form their own opinion.
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