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Veröffentlicht am 01.02.2022

A novel with focus on art

Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray / The Picture of Dorian Gray

‘The picture of Dorian Gray’ by Wilde tells the life of Gray, a member of the Victorian upper class. Through a thoughtless wish, Gray remains young while his portrait ages.
The language of this novel is ...

‘The picture of Dorian Gray’ by Wilde tells the life of Gray, a member of the Victorian upper class. Through a thoughtless wish, Gray remains young while his portrait ages.
The language of this novel is truly beautiful. Wilde uses a great variety of images and memorable quotes. The plot itself is developing and surprising. There is a great emphasis on beauty and art. Interpersonal relationships as well as consequences out of our actions are addressed. The reader should keep in mind that beliefs on women and appearances might be outdated from today’s point of view.

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Veröffentlicht am 01.02.2022

A Classic US text

Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer

‚The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn‘ follows the story of Huck who escapes society and challenges views of the American 19th century.
The story has many turns and entertains with humour and the naivety ...

‚The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn‘ follows the story of Huck who escapes society and challenges views of the American 19th century.
The story has many turns and entertains with humour and the naivety of Huck. Despite racist language, the book underlines that a slave is a human being such as Huck is, too. The corruption of society is addressed as well. While reading, the reader must keep the time in mind when the book was written since it contains outdated believes. Therefore, the novel provides an inside into Southern US culture. Using dialect, the text is partly difficult to comprehend.
I would not recommend this book to everyone. If you want to create your own opinion about the racism issue within the text and its reputation as the first American novel, you should give it a try.

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Veröffentlicht am 18.01.2022

Nicht der typische Krimi

Die Früchte, die man erntet

„Die Früchte, die man erntet“ ist der siebte Band der Reihe „Ein Fall für Sebastian Bergmann“ von Michael Hjorth Und Hans Rosenfeldt. In diesem Band gibt es plötzlich Morde, die in keinem Zusammenhang ...

„Die Früchte, die man erntet“ ist der siebte Band der Reihe „Ein Fall für Sebastian Bergmann“ von Michael Hjorth Und Hans Rosenfeldt. In diesem Band gibt es plötzlich Morde, die in keinem Zusammenhang stehen. Sebastian selbst wird mit den Erlebnissen des Tsunamis konfrontiert.
Das Cover zum Buch finde ich sehr gelungen, da es passend zur Reihe einen großen Wiedererkennungswert hat. Ich persönlich würde es nicht empfehlen, den Band unabhängig von den Vorgängern zu lesen. Ich hatte Schwierigkeiten, mir am Anfang die Vielzahl der Charaktere zu merken. Auch fehlte mir das Vorwissen zum Tsunami.
Der Schreibstil hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Es war sehr flüssig zu lesen und auch der Umfang des Buches führte nie zu Langerweile. Zunächst war mir unklar, wie die verschiedenen Handlungen miteinander zu tun haben können. Doch nach und nach fügte sich eines zum anderen. Dies ist kein typischer Krimi gewesen. Er hört nicht auf, wenn der Fall gelöst ist. Die Handlung ist komplexer. Das Ende hat mich total überrascht.
Insgesamt kann ich das Buch nur empfehlen.

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Veröffentlicht am 02.01.2022

A funny Victorian Christmas Story

Das Mädchen, das Weihnachten rettete

‘The Girl Who Saved Christmas’ is the sequel to ‘A Boy Called Christmas’ though they can be read individually. The book is about Amelia who suffers in a Victorian society and Father Christmas whose magic ...

‘The Girl Who Saved Christmas’ is the sequel to ‘A Boy Called Christmas’ though they can be read individually. The book is about Amelia who suffers in a Victorian society and Father Christmas whose magic vanishes as hope starts to disappear.
This is a well thought through story with many great details. The young reader learns a lot about the Victorian society. It is a fun read and has great illustrations. It brings one in the right Christmas spirit. I also enjoyed how many brave females occur within the story. A lovely continuation of the first book.

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Veröffentlicht am 02.01.2022

A moving love story

Weg der Träume

‘A Bend in the Road’ tells how Miles and Sarah fall in love. She is a teacher who recently divorced. He is a sheriff whose wife got killed in an unsolved hit-and-run accident. Their love will only success ...

‘A Bend in the Road’ tells how Miles and Sarah fall in love. She is a teacher who recently divorced. He is a sheriff whose wife got killed in an unsolved hit-and-run accident. Their love will only success when they overcome their past.
At first, I thought that this will become a solid 5 star read. The story was cute to read and reasonable. The first part of the book is a typical Romance, the second one rather reminds me of a detective novel. I disliked that Sparks put the simulated unnecessary misunderstanding in the ending that created more drama. It made the reading uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I was surprised about the ending. This is a good Romance.

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