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Meinungen aus der Lesejury

Veröffentlicht am 25.11.2021

Schicksale auf 1000 Etagen

Beautiful Liars, Band 1: Verbotene Gefühle

„The Thousandth Floor“ handelt von verschiedenen Bewohnern verschiedenster Etagen des Wolkenkratzers in New York im Jahre 2118. Je höher man lebt umso mehr Geld besitzen die Familien. Dementsprechend unterscheiden ...

„The Thousandth Floor“ handelt von verschiedenen Bewohnern verschiedenster Etagen des Wolkenkratzers in New York im Jahre 2118. Je höher man lebt umso mehr Geld besitzen die Familien. Dementsprechend unterscheiden sich die Leben der Bewohner drastisch.
Das Cover spiegelt das Leben der oberen Bewohner wieder. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Charakteren, deren Geschichte erzählt wird. Dennoch konnte ich alle beim Lesen gut auseinanderhalten. Jedes Schicksal war anders und bedrückend. Das Buch ist nichts für Friedefreudeeierkuchenliebhaber. Die Ereignisse sind dramatisch sowie überraschend. Das Buch konnte ich kaum aus der Hand legen, so fesselnd ist es geschrieben. Alle Parallelhandlungen laufen auf den Showdown am Ende zu, der viele Fragen offen lässt, sodass man gern sofort den 2. Band beginnen mag.

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Veröffentlicht am 17.11.2021

A contribution to the importance of diversity

Der unsichtbare Mann

The novel is about an “invisible man” that talks about the changes he experienced himself during the USA of the 1950s.
The cover matches perfectly the image of the invisible man. From the very beginning, ...

The novel is about an “invisible man” that talks about the changes he experienced himself during the USA of the 1950s.
The cover matches perfectly the image of the invisible man. From the very beginning, the book proves its precious language. The reader follows the narrator throughout his journey and learns what life is like as a Black person in the American 1950s. The book is a lot about social hierarchy and the motivations of Black and White people. It is extremely sad to see that even 70 years after publishing the problems and inequalities are still there. Hence, the book is highly relevant today, too. My only issue is that the book is very protracted, so that you really need to want to read it. Nevertheless, it is worth it.
Overall, a very beautifully written and important mattered book.

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Veröffentlicht am 09.11.2021

Eindrucksvoll ehrlich

The Life of an American Slave

Eine Autobiografie, die ihre Spuren hinterlässt. Ehrlich und erschreckend wird aus Douglass Sicht geschrieben, wie seinen Weg in die Freiheit fand. Ein Amerikanischer Klassiker.

Eine Autobiografie, die ihre Spuren hinterlässt. Ehrlich und erschreckend wird aus Douglass Sicht geschrieben, wie seinen Weg in die Freiheit fand. Ein Amerikanischer Klassiker.

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Veröffentlicht am 07.11.2021

No need to read this book

Die subtile Kunst des Daraufscheißens

“The subtle art of not giving a fck” is a self-help book to a life about accepting your imperfections and embracing negative characteristics in order to reach the best version of ourself.
I thought that ...

“The subtle art of not giving a fck” is a self-help book to a life about accepting your imperfections and embracing negative characteristics in order to reach the best version of ourself.
I thought that the approach of the book is a temporary good movement in the right direction. And as social media hyped it, I thought it was time to give it a go. Sadly, I was wrong. I read it and also listened to the audiobook. The implementation failed. The 1st chapter seemed to be a game for the author on how many times he could use the word “f
ck”, which was highly unnecessary. As I continued reading, the sentences went on, but it wasn´t clear what the author was trying to say. Nevertheless, some parts were funny, but mainly, I was bored. The structure, if there is any, wasn´t there. I would have enjoyed if every chapter would have a sort of final sentence that sums everything up to get an idea why it is worth reading. I tried, but stopped after the 4th chapter.
Because of the unclear implementation I can´t recommend the book.

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Veröffentlicht am 07.11.2021

A unique idea

Die Mitternachtsbibliothek

“The Midnight Library” tells the story of Nora who attempts suicide and finds herself in a library. There she can try out lives she could have lived if she made other decisions.
First of all, I think ...

“The Midnight Library” tells the story of Nora who attempts suicide and finds herself in a library. There she can try out lives she could have lived if she made other decisions.
First of all, I think that the idea of the book is highly unique and addresses a question many may ask themselves. The reader gets to know Nora very well. Every page reveals a new dimension of her. Throughout the book her character develops, and I´d like to stress the following, it happens in a realistic way. There are no common tropes, which is pleasing to read as well. The book offers many advice to the reader and keeps him/her thinking. I read the whole story on 1 day. The language and style are fun to read, too.
I recommend “The Midnight Library” to everyone who would like to read something with a unique plot. I am looking forward to reading more by the author.

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