inkl. MwSt
- Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
- Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
- Seitenzahl: 140
- Ersterscheinung: 20.05.2015
- ISBN: 9783525770078
Tatort Bibel
Religionsunterricht mit Kriminalfällen aus dem Alten und Neuen Testament
This book introduces us to the many criminal cases to be found in the Bible and provides many stimuli and methods for using these stories to teach religion in the classroom. The pupils become detectives: They study the crime scenes, discern how the crime went off, what motives and what effects it had. Then they turn to the theological and ethical repercussions of these matters. The teaching modules included in this volume invite the readers to discover, wonder at, trace and discuss the cases and thus sharpen their detective skills.A special highlight are the outdoor projects on the Biblical crime stories. Without having previous knowledge one can construct near the school one´s own Biblical criminal rallye; equipped with GPS, compass or a simple map the students can go looking for the Biblical geocaches.
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- ebook / PDF 18,99 €
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