Cover-Bild Bitte eintreten D A CH Entry allowed english
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: epubli
  • Themenbereich: Biografien, Literatur, Literaturwissenschaft - Biografien und Sachliteratur
  • Genre: Romane & Erzählungen / Sonstige Romane & Erzählungen
  • Seitenzahl: 620
  • Ersterscheinung: 16.12.2021
  • ISBN: 9783754932797
Powerful Glory, Loup Paix, Rudi Friedrich

Bitte eintreten D A CH Entry allowed english

Georg loved his snuff. If he didn't find his trial box right away, he got nervous. Who took away my snuff again? We boys wanted to try a great snuff in an unobserved moment. Because the pungent tobacco aroma rose so much from our noses to our brains, we both couldn't suppress our "hatschi" and sneezed away. Grandfather laughed. Gell the gang rises tremendously in the sinuses of your noses. Today we had betrayed ourselves. A few days later we wanted to try the experiment again. We grabbed the can from the window ledge and hid in the barn. I closed my eyes and took a decent amount of the tempting stimulant. Stopping the sneeze was impossible. Then it was my brother's turn. However, because we heard the barn door creak, we kept quiet as a mouse and Grandpa moved outside again. Where's my snuffbox, we heard him say to himself. We sneaked into his room and put the apparently vital can on his open desk. Grandfather was looking everywhere now. In his workshop, in the goat barn, next to the rabbit hutch. At last he stalked into his room. He searched here too until he found his self-made cow horn box. After a long search it saw its beloved tobacco containers. He made his uniquely beautiful snuffbox by hand from a cattle horn. The one-of-a-kind belonged to him, like the back of his hand, in which he always had dried fruit with him. Hutzeln and tobacco, that was his weakness. He put a slice of walnut in the bottom of the can. He also made a lid from the same material on the top of his valuable container. He cobbled the lid together somewhat conically so that it sat tightly on the opening of the can. The precious tobacco should not be poured out. In the middle of the wooden clasp he attached a short leather strap so that he could easily open the lid with one pull on the strap. Grandfather was now taking a considerable amount of snuff. We waited eagerly to be sneezed. We could wait a long time for this, no sign of snorting could this sizeable portion of tobacco...

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