Cover-Bild Ulysses Belz: Floating States
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: HELDENREIZER Contemporary
  • Themenbereich: Kunst
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 70
  • Ersterscheinung: 13.09.2018
  • ISBN: 9783981952421
Robert Bauernfeind, Ulysses Belz, Joëlle Proust, Marcus Trautner

Ulysses Belz: Floating States

Moira Gareis (Übersetzer)

In translation, Floating States means not only continuously changing countries or conditions, but stands especially for Floating [Mind]States – in other words, ceaselessly new-forming mental states. Floating, on the other hand, also plays on floaters: transparent particles suspended in the vitreous substance of the eye that constantly dance up and down in our field of vision. Everybody has them and they normally accompany and influence our perception all our lives.

The Floating States are therefore “images” of those mental processes and entoptic phenomena that determine our “reality” construct. Belz is treading a radically new path in art, which makes the intentional look, i.e. the look from within the individual, the starting point of a new objectivity that visualizes one’s own cognition and reality as an ongoing, individually shaped, constructive process.

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