inkl. MwSt
- Verlag: V&R unipress
- Themenbereich: Gesellschaft und Sozialwissenschaften - Psychologie
- Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
- Seitenzahl: 299
- Ersterscheinung: 13.07.2020
- ISBN: 9783847111511
Psychoanalyse, Philosophie und Religion – wer leitet die Kultur?
Indem Psychoanalyse sich durch die Entzifferung des Symptoms definiert, gerät sie in Spannung zu Philosophie und Religion, die den Begriff und die Offenbarung zur Voraussetzung haben. Eine lebendige Kultur lebt von allen diesen Gegebenheiten, indem Affekt und Vorstellung in ihr stets mit einem Imaginären gekoppelt bleiben, die das Wirkliche umkreisen. Rolf Kühn untersucht die drei Disziplinen in ihrem spezifischen Eigenwesen sowie in ihrem spannungsreichen Verhältnis zueinander. Für die unverzichtbare Weiterführung unserer Kultur wird ein Miteinander dieser drei Disziplinen neben anderen wie Ökonomie, Politik etc. gefordert, was zugleich dem pluralen Verständnis von Subjektivität und Gemeinschaft in der Postmoderne entspricht.
Psychoanalysis defines itself as a method of decoding symptoms. Thus, it comes into conflict with philosophy and religion which require a concept and a revelation. A vivid culture requires all these factors in which affect and imagination are steadily connected with an imaginary surrounding reality. Rolf Kühn analyses the three disciplines according to their specific characters as well as their tension-driven relation to each other. For the inevitable further development of our culture a connection of these three disciplines with others such as economics and politics is requested, which also corresponds to the plural understanding of subjectivity and community in postmodern times.
Psychoanalysis defines itself as a method of decoding symptoms. Thus, it comes into conflict with philosophy and religion which require a concept and a revelation. A vivid culture requires all these factors in which affect and imagination are steadily connected with an imaginary surrounding reality. Rolf Kühn analyses the three disciplines according to their specific characters as well as their tension-driven relation to each other. For the inevitable further development of our culture a connection of these three disciplines with others such as economics and politics is requested, which also corresponds to the plural understanding of subjectivity and community in postmodern times.
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