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Cover-Bild ÖsterreichBilder / FacingAustria Produktdarstellung
Reinhard Braun (Autor), Silvia Eiblmayr (Autor), Monika Faber (Autor), Christine Frisinghelli (Autor), Jasmin Haselsteiner-Scharner (Autor), Ruth Horak (Autor), Martin Hochleitner (Autor), Gabriele Hofer-Hagenauer (Autor), Rainer Iglar (Autor), Michael Mauracher (Autor), Verena Kasper-Eisert (Autor), Christiane Kuhlmann (Autor), Gerald Matt (Autor), Walter Moser (Autor), Petra Noll (Autor), Astrid Peterle (Autor), Michael Ponstingl (Autor), Maren Lübbke-Tidow (Autor), Rebekka Reuter (Autor), Walter Seidl (Autor), Margit Zuckriegl (Autor)

ÖsterreichBilder / FacingAustria

20 photographers, men and women, have photographed Austria. Their photos reveal a diversity of imagery and themes − urban settings, landscapes, work, politics, the arts, and sport − a country mirrored through contemporary photography.

Photographs by:
Seiichi Furuya, Katharina Gruzei, Heidi Harsieber, ...

39,00 €
Cover-Bild female in progress Produktdarstellung
Margot Fassler (Autor), Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer (Autor), Petra Noll (Autor), Gunter Damisch (Autor)

female in progress

Die Verankerung der Frau in der Bildenden Kunst

15,00 €