
Deine Suche ergab 24 Treffer
Cover-Bild Geschäftsprozessmanagement Produktdarstellung
Moreen Heine (Autor), Stephan A. Rehder (Autor)


Business process management is concerned with the identification/documentation, (optimizing) design, implementation, control and improvement of operational processes in all sorts in businesses. The optimization process focuses not so much on technical issues, but rather on organizational aspects such ...

13,99 €
Cover-Bild Entrepreneurship Produktdarstellung
Christian Schultz (Autor), Stephan A. Rehder (Autor)


As a subdiscipline in business studies, entrepreneurship or the "theory of enterprise" is concerned with the founding of new companies in response to business opportunities that have been identified. From an institutional and personal point of view, entrepreneurship is characterized by the fact that ...

13,99 €
Cover-Bild Personalmanagement Produktdarstellung
Dieter Wagner (Autor), Stephan A. Rehder (Autor)


The central importance of personnel resources for companies in a dynamic environment requires professional personnel management - both for the company itself and for each of its employees. Efforts to make companies more flexible on the one hand, and employees' desire for greater individualization on ...

16,99 €
Cover-Bild Internationales Management Produktdarstellung
Christoph Rasche (Autor), Stephan A. Rehder (Autor)

Internationales Management

Das Internationale Management als Teilbereich der strategischen Unternehmensführung widmet sich der Entwicklung, Gestaltung und Erhaltung der Produktions- oder Marktbeziehungen eines Unternehmens über die nationalen Grenzen hinweg mit der Zielsetzung einer wirtschaftlich optimalen und im Wettbewerb widerstandsfähigen ...

19,00 €