Produktdarstellung Wolfgang Schneider-Barthold (Autor) Talking, Acting and Learning with the Poor Grassroots Development in the Third World and its Promotion PREIS: 15,33 €
Produktdarstellung Hartmut Brandt (Autor), Ansgar Eussner (Autor), Hans Gsänger (Autor), Gudrun Lachenmann (Autor), Wolfgang Schneider-Barthold (Autor), Wolfgang Zehender (Autor) Structural Distortions and Adjustment Programmes in the Poor Countries of Africa A Challenge for Development Policy PREIS: 15,33 €
Produktdarstellung Hartmut Brandt (Autor), Wilhelm Hummen (Autor), Gudrun Lachenmann (Autor), Uwe Otzen (Autor), Wolfgang Schneider-Barthold (Autor), Jürgen Wiemann (Autor), Wolfgang Zehender (Autor) Poor Countries of Africa Structural Problems and Development Crisis PREIS: 15,33 €