Cover-Bild European Security Union
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 268
  • Ersterscheinung: 10.01.2022
  • ISBN: 9783866767256
Trygve Ben Holland, Sarah Holland-Kunkel, André Röhl, Carina Zachau

European Security Union

On the Dichotomy of Liberty and Security in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Present book addresses the concepts, policies, programmes, legislative measures and institutions constituting the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice – with emphasis on the protection of civil liberties, namely fundamental rights, and liberal democratic values against the background of Human Rights.
To work on this multi-layered dichotomy – liberty and security, or vice versa, – has been the idea when conceptualising the project ERUPT (European Rights and Union Protection Tools) as a Jean Monnet Module under the ERASMUS+ programme of the EU.

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