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inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Campus
  • Genre: Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe
  • Ersterscheinung: 10.09.2013
  • ISBN: 9783593420707
Ulrich Dehner, Renate Dehner

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Mentale Blockaden überwinden
Title: Don't Stand in Your Own Way! Overcoming Mental Blockades

Mental attitude plays an important role, not only in sports but in daily life as well. In the end, it determines success or failure. The authors Renate and Ulrich Dehner have developed a method that helps to uncover negative thought patterns and overcome them. Using their simple mental exercises, you can take steps that will transform your life. It's easy! The Check-Your-Mind-Method can be applied in many different life situations, both personal and professional.

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