Cover-Bild The Austrian Resistance
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Edition Steinbauer
  • Themenbereich: Geschichte und Archäologie - Geschichte
  • Genre: Sachbücher / Geschichte
  • Ersterscheinung: 01.08.2014
  • ISBN: 9783902494719
Wolfgang Neugebauer

The Austrian Resistance

John Nicholson (Übersetzer), Eric Canepa (Übersetzer)

This is the English translation of Neugebauer's acclaimed Der österreichische Widerstand 1938-1945, which the author has enlarged and thoroughly revised to reflect recent research findings. In the 'Anschluss' of March 1938 Austria was annexed by Hitlerite Germany. While many Austrians were involved in the National Socialist regime and its crimes against humanity, others - both left-wingers and conservatives - formed courageous resistance groups to fight for a free Austria. By defying the murderous repression inflicted by the Gestapo and the NS courts and concentration camps, they ultimately also fulfilled the requirement made by the Allies in the Moscow Declaration of 1943 that the Austrians must make a contribution to their country's liberation.
Wolfgang Neugebauer's profound and balanced analysis is founded on decades of expertise and draws on all the most recent research findings. It is the first fully comprehensive survey of Austrian resistance in the years 1938 to 1945.

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