inkl. MwSt
- Verlag: Cuvillier Verlag
- Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
- Seitenzahl: 312
- Ersterscheinung: 10.05.2012
- ISBN: 9783954040919
Verbesserung der Anthocyanstabilität in flüssigen und pastösen Fruchtprodukten am Beispiel von Brombeeren (Rubus), Erdbeeren (Fragaria), Sauerkirschen (Prunus cerasus) und roten Trauben (Vitis vinifera)
Die Kaufentscheidung eines Konsumenten hängt neben ökonomischen und ökologischen Faktoren stark von produktspezifischen Eigenschaften wie Sensorik, Textur und Farbe ab. Trotz zahlreicher Verbesserungen in den vergangenen Jahren bleibt das Problem der Stabilität über die Lagerung von Fruchtsäften, Fruchtmarks, -pürees, Konfitüren, Fruchtzubereitungen und "Smoothies" bestehen. Darum greifen Hersteller häufig auf synthetische Farbstoffe zurück. In Studien konnten kausale Zusammenhänge über den Verzehr synthetischer Farbstoffe und der Hyperaktivität von Kleinkindern nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Seit dem 20. Juli 2010 besteht in der Europäischen Union für Lebensmittel, welche die Azofarbstoffe Tatrazin, Gelborange S, Azorubin, Allurarot oder Chochenillerot A enthalten, eine Kennzeichnungspflicht mit gesondertem Warnhinweis. Diese Umstände führen zu zunehmender Ablehnung dieser Produkte durch den Konsumenten.
Dirk Hofmann untersucht für flüssige und pastöse Fruchtprodukte aus Brombeeren, Erdbeeren, Sauerkirschen und roten Trauben umfassend, ob Anthocyane als natürliche Lebensmittelfarbstoffe mit zahlreichen gesundheitsfördernden Eigenschaften ausreichendes Potential für die Herstellung von Produkten mit möglichst hohem Pigmentanteil und hoher Pigmentstabilität bieten.
Er widmet sich dabei zunächst Risiken und Chancen moderner Verarbeitungstechnologie und geht dabei auch auf den Einfluss der Enzymierung während der Verarbeitung ein.
Nach ausführlicher chemischer und sensorischer Analyse der Produktqualität am Ende der Herstellung, sowie im Zuge einer Lagerung von mehreren Monaten bei drei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen unter Lichtausschluss, werden dabei entstehende Alterungspigmente charakterisiert und, soweit möglich, identifiziert.
Durch intelligenten Einsatz verschiedener analytischer Verfahren konnte er Wechselwirkungen zwischen kolloidalen Saftbestandteilen und Anthocyanen nachweisen und charakterisieren.
Die erzielten Ergebnisse leisten einen Beitrag zur Herstellung qualitativ hochwertiger, farbstabiler Buntsäfte und Fruchtpürees mit Zusatznutzen.
The aim of this thesis was the optimization of the processing of red fruits to products with high pigment concentration and colour stability. The influence of enzymatic treatments during processing steps, as well as the influence of the processing itself on storage stability should be characterized. Pigments created during storage should also be characterized and - if possible - identified. Furthermore, possible interactions of anthocyanins and hydrocolloids of fruit juices and the kind of interaction was attempted to be characterized. The influence of the temperature during enzymatic treatment on the later product quality of strawberry puree was examined in an experiment at laboratory scale. Results showed that the influence of natural fruit enzymes at room temperature is sufficient to create an appealing, flawless product.
A comparison of the processing of strawberries to juice in the years 2009 and 2010 showed comparable ageing of the obtained juices of the varieties 'Korona' and 'Senga Sengana'. The processing by the use of decanter technology in 2010 resulted in a high pigment loss compared to the use of a horizontal Bucher press in 2009. The obsolescence rates of strawberry puree of both years were well comparable.
Characterization and identification of ageing pigments was performed through creation of phenolic extracts from fruit juices stored at different temperatures. By comparison with literature data, already known ageing pigments were identified.
The sugars and sugar acids composition of hydrocolloids isolated from fresh and stored juices was determined in order to characterize potential interactions of anthocyanins and hydrocolloidal substances. Additionally, the metal composition of the colloids was analyzed. The distribution of monosaccharides allowed the identification of the different fruit species, as well as to draw conclusions from the composition of fragments of pectin. Changes in the metal composition bound to colloids during storage were observed and the composition itself allowed the differentiation of the colloids.
The direct analysis of anthocyanins in hydrocolloids led to detection of fruit specific anthocyanins. As a result, these genuine anthocyanins may be bound as a kind of weak interaction, possibly van-der-Waals forces. Also, some kind of self-microencapsulation of anthocyanins with the long chains of pectin could be possible. Results showed that these interactions did not increase colour stability in red fruit juices. The use of fruit juice colloids for colour stabilization in strawberry juice led to colour loss compared to the untreated juice. The interactions were observed in different molecular weight classes.
Characterisation of high molecular fractions isolated from blackberry and strawberry colloids showed red pigments, but these pigments could not be identified. The detected concentrations showed that the major part of the anthocyanins was found to be bound to molecules with an average molecular weight below 10.000 Dalton.
The results of this work can be used as a basis for further investigations. Unidentified ageing pigments could possibly be identified, as well as combinations of anthocyanins and low molecular weight polymeric substances including the type of interaction. The findings in processing technology could be useful in the fruit juice industry to create high value products with desirable colour and colour stability by efficient processes at low cost.
Dirk Hofmann untersucht für flüssige und pastöse Fruchtprodukte aus Brombeeren, Erdbeeren, Sauerkirschen und roten Trauben umfassend, ob Anthocyane als natürliche Lebensmittelfarbstoffe mit zahlreichen gesundheitsfördernden Eigenschaften ausreichendes Potential für die Herstellung von Produkten mit möglichst hohem Pigmentanteil und hoher Pigmentstabilität bieten.
Er widmet sich dabei zunächst Risiken und Chancen moderner Verarbeitungstechnologie und geht dabei auch auf den Einfluss der Enzymierung während der Verarbeitung ein.
Nach ausführlicher chemischer und sensorischer Analyse der Produktqualität am Ende der Herstellung, sowie im Zuge einer Lagerung von mehreren Monaten bei drei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen unter Lichtausschluss, werden dabei entstehende Alterungspigmente charakterisiert und, soweit möglich, identifiziert.
Durch intelligenten Einsatz verschiedener analytischer Verfahren konnte er Wechselwirkungen zwischen kolloidalen Saftbestandteilen und Anthocyanen nachweisen und charakterisieren.
Die erzielten Ergebnisse leisten einen Beitrag zur Herstellung qualitativ hochwertiger, farbstabiler Buntsäfte und Fruchtpürees mit Zusatznutzen.
The aim of this thesis was the optimization of the processing of red fruits to products with high pigment concentration and colour stability. The influence of enzymatic treatments during processing steps, as well as the influence of the processing itself on storage stability should be characterized. Pigments created during storage should also be characterized and - if possible - identified. Furthermore, possible interactions of anthocyanins and hydrocolloids of fruit juices and the kind of interaction was attempted to be characterized. The influence of the temperature during enzymatic treatment on the later product quality of strawberry puree was examined in an experiment at laboratory scale. Results showed that the influence of natural fruit enzymes at room temperature is sufficient to create an appealing, flawless product.
A comparison of the processing of strawberries to juice in the years 2009 and 2010 showed comparable ageing of the obtained juices of the varieties 'Korona' and 'Senga Sengana'. The processing by the use of decanter technology in 2010 resulted in a high pigment loss compared to the use of a horizontal Bucher press in 2009. The obsolescence rates of strawberry puree of both years were well comparable.
Characterization and identification of ageing pigments was performed through creation of phenolic extracts from fruit juices stored at different temperatures. By comparison with literature data, already known ageing pigments were identified.
The sugars and sugar acids composition of hydrocolloids isolated from fresh and stored juices was determined in order to characterize potential interactions of anthocyanins and hydrocolloidal substances. Additionally, the metal composition of the colloids was analyzed. The distribution of monosaccharides allowed the identification of the different fruit species, as well as to draw conclusions from the composition of fragments of pectin. Changes in the metal composition bound to colloids during storage were observed and the composition itself allowed the differentiation of the colloids.
The direct analysis of anthocyanins in hydrocolloids led to detection of fruit specific anthocyanins. As a result, these genuine anthocyanins may be bound as a kind of weak interaction, possibly van-der-Waals forces. Also, some kind of self-microencapsulation of anthocyanins with the long chains of pectin could be possible. Results showed that these interactions did not increase colour stability in red fruit juices. The use of fruit juice colloids for colour stabilization in strawberry juice led to colour loss compared to the untreated juice. The interactions were observed in different molecular weight classes.
Characterisation of high molecular fractions isolated from blackberry and strawberry colloids showed red pigments, but these pigments could not be identified. The detected concentrations showed that the major part of the anthocyanins was found to be bound to molecules with an average molecular weight below 10.000 Dalton.
The results of this work can be used as a basis for further investigations. Unidentified ageing pigments could possibly be identified, as well as combinations of anthocyanins and low molecular weight polymeric substances including the type of interaction. The findings in processing technology could be useful in the fruit juice industry to create high value products with desirable colour and colour stability by efficient processes at low cost.
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