Cover-Bild Ich bin dann mal Erzieherin
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 171
  • Ersterscheinung: 12.09.2013
  • ISBN: 9783525701355
Ursula Günster-Schöning

Ich bin dann mal Erzieherin

Ausbildung und berufliche Realität
“Everyone can take care of kids” – that is what many people think. But is that really the case? Young people entering the job market are motivated and full of vigor, but sometimes are brought down to earth by the realities of the “jungle”. Every kindergarten has its own concept, every parent his or her own idea of how to best take care of a child. And thus meet the two very different worlds and pedagogic goals – and in the middle stands the young caretaker. How do I find my own way through, how do I define my own goals? What type of caretaker am I and what is my image of a well-cared-for child? How do I master the everyday problems and find my own style? How to set limits? How to help children learn and foster their resources? What are the basic needs of modern children and how can I do the right thing when they are afraid or aggressive and riot, gripe or hit? This volume offers a multitude of answers to these and other questions, well-founded basic knowledge about working in a pedagogical setting and many guideposts for obtaining self-realization in one´s job.

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